Last April Brandy's name was splattered all over headlines after she was allegedly fired from the hit NBC reality show 'America's Got Talent', today, Brandy clears the air on the much-talked-about firing.
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"I didn't want to go back to America's Got Talent," Brandy tells Sister2Sister's Jamie Foster Brown.
"I think a lot of people get that story mixed up. I started to feel like I wanted to be on stage."
While several outlets ran with the story that Brandy had been fired and replaced by Sharon Osbourne, who Brandy says she loves, the "Long Distance" singer says it was all about wanting to get back on stage.
"I told my mom and I told the team that I don't want to go back to "America's Got Talent" because I want to sing and I don't know if I could do this and that at the same time. I felt like that was the best decision, but when something like the accident happened, then of course the media tries to tie in what happened with that..."
"I felt like I belonged on the stage rather than behind a microphone telling somebody else they have talent."
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"I didn't want to go back to America's Got Talent," Brandy tells Sister2Sister's Jamie Foster Brown.
"I think a lot of people get that story mixed up. I started to feel like I wanted to be on stage."
While several outlets ran with the story that Brandy had been fired and replaced by Sharon Osbourne, who Brandy says she loves, the "Long Distance" singer says it was all about wanting to get back on stage.
"I told my mom and I told the team that I don't want to go back to "America's Got Talent" because I want to sing and I don't know if I could do this and that at the same time. I felt like that was the best decision, but when something like the accident happened, then of course the media tries to tie in what happened with that..."
"I felt like I belonged on the stage rather than behind a microphone telling somebody else they have talent."
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