Akon told MTV today, he is totally digging the current trend of rappers becoming singers. Akon thinks it's cool that artists like Lil Wayne and Kanye West are embracing melodies, and he isn't shy about taking some credit for the movement, having crossed back and forth over the singer/rapper divide for years and helped popularize the heavy use of Auto-Tune along with his "Bartender" collaborator T-Pain. Click Here For More...
"As an artist, depending on who you are, you should never be in a situation where you feel threatened by another artist," he said. "If anything, I embrace the fact that they're doing it. Music changes every year. I'm just happy [about] the fact that people are jumping on what we're already doing. I look at it like a tribute to what we're already doing, and I look at it like a compliment, really.
"I say 'you're welcome' every time I hear [rappers singing]," said Akon, who just released his new album, Freedom. "A melody has a way of describing [words], 'cause of the emotions that come with melody. Melody brings it out better than a bland vocal. It's easier to relate."
"As an artist, depending on who you are, you should never be in a situation where you feel threatened by another artist," he said. "If anything, I embrace the fact that they're doing it. Music changes every year. I'm just happy [about] the fact that people are jumping on what we're already doing. I look at it like a tribute to what we're already doing, and I look at it like a compliment, really.
"I say 'you're welcome' every time I hear [rappers singing]," said Akon, who just released his new album, Freedom. "A melody has a way of describing [words], 'cause of the emotions that come with melody. Melody brings it out better than a bland vocal. It's easier to relate."
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